Hair Treatments to Rescue Your Hair and Scalp
These easy, affordable treatments all use household remedies that you probably already have at home. While some may utilize your blender — check out the banana mask below — others are as simple as a single ingredient that will get your hair into tip-top s
These easy, affordable treatments all use household remedies that you probably already have at home. While some may utilize your blender — check out the banana mask below — others are as simple as a single ingredient that will get your hair into tip-top shape, whether you suffer from dry hair, fine hair, an itchy scalp, or dandruff.
The problem: Thinning hair
The fix: If you have baby-fine hair, your biggest stresses might comprise hiding a visible scalp or worrying about strands you can’t afford to lose. Dispel concerns with a protein-rich treatment that can plump up a wimpy mane.
How to use it: Blend two egg yolks, two ripe bananas, two to three tablespoons of honey, half cup of conditioner, and two tablespoons of olive oil, until fully pureed. Slather all over and leave on for 20 to 30 minutes; rinse with cool water.
The problem: Messy waves or curls
The fix: Define, rather than fight, your hair’s natural bends with a homemade curl enhancer made of molasses and honey. According to Davis-Sivasothy, honey and syrup are natural humectants (ingredients that attract and lock in moisture) and can treat curls while hydrating thirsty hair.
How to use it: Mix a half-cup of molasses or maple syrup, 1/4 cup of olive oil, four tablespoons of honey, two bananas, half-cup of water, four table spoons of lemon juice, and two tablespoons of all-purpose flour (adjust according to desired thickness).
Mix together ingredients, removing any lumps, and warm over the stovetop. Separate hair into four sections, evenly apply the sweet concoction, and cover it up with a shower cap; let sit for 45 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
The problem: Faded dye job
The fix: Intensify vibrancy. Add a jolt of red with a cranberry juice rinse (cherry flavored Kool-Aid works, too). To warm up ashy blonde hair, substitute the cranberry juice rinse for chamomile tea. Or bring out golden tones with some champagne (flat or bubbly both do the trick). Got some brassiness in your blonde locks? Do a rinse with grape-flavored Kool-Aid to counter any signs of orange.
How to use it: Tilt your head back over the sink and carefully pour the juice over clean, detangled hair. Once every section is soaked, dry your hair section by section on low heat to lock color in place
The problem: Dullness
The fix: Lock in shine. Think of the outermost layer of your hair, the cuticles, as shingles on a roof; and those shingles must lie as flat as possible for shiny strands. Anything from friction to hot water to humidity can ruffle up the cuticles, resulting in a lackluster mane. Residue and product buildup are also culprits of sapping shine.
How to use it: To clarify and smooth cuticles, pour an apple cider vinegar rinse (a tablespoon of vinegar to half cup of water) over damp hair and comb through. Let it sink in for five minutes, rinse with cool water, and follow up with conditioner.
The acidity in the vinegar complements the pH of our hair, which helps seal the cuticle and makes it lay flatter, says White.
The problem: Frizz, flyaways, and wisps
The fix: Smooth and tame. Unfortunately, raised cuticles not only affect shine, but they can also stir up frizz. If at the slightest hint of humidity your hair “rears its ugly head,” then your strands are parched — and they’re looking to the air’s moisture for replenishment. Castor oil acts as a thermal protectant and can actually help heal the hair, thanks to its omega-9 properties, says White.
How to use it: Create a buffer between your 'do and the air with a very thin layer of castor oil; apply only where you need it.
The problem: Dry, damaged tresses
The fix: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Otherwise, you’re only a hair away from split ends, frizz, and breakage. Opt for an intensive overnight treatment if your average conditioner isn’t cutting it.
How to use it: Take a tablespoon of coconut oil, warm it in the microwave, massage into damp hair, and sleep on it. Wear a shower cap and lay a towel on your pillow to prevent a greasy mess. In the morning, shampoo it out. Only use coconut oil on dry and damaged areas, which typically occur from the mid-shaft to the end. If you have finer hair, pick a lighter oil, like olive or avocado, as coconut oil can weigh strands down.
The problem: Excessive shedding
The fix: Treat the scalp and strengthen the hair follicle. Serious hair fallout can be caused by a multitude of things: stress, a major life change, illness and pregnancy to name a few.
How to use it: In a small bowl, combine three tablespoons of mayonnaise, one teaspoon of honey, three drops of rosemary oil and three drops of lavender oil. Mix until smooth. Apply onto clean, damp hair and massage into your scalp. Place a shower cap on your hair and allow to sit for up to an hour.
The problem: Dandruff
The fix: Keep flakes under control. Dandruff is a scalp disorder that involves rapidly shedding dead skin cells. To slow down cell turnover and fight dandruff, Davis-Sivasothy suggests a ginger root scalp spritzer: ginger has anti-inflammatory properties to soothe the scalp and keep dandruff in check.
How to use it: Finely grate half a ginger root into two cups of water and boil until it’s one cup of tea. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil. Mist the brew directly onto scalp, let dry, and shampoo out.
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